Friday, February 28, 2014

The Laws of Robotics

You can ask anyone involved in science or robotics if they know the “Three Laws of Robotics”, and they'll likely say yes. In fact, you can probably walk up to any person in the street and ask them what the they are, and they'll know.

In case you don't, I'll give a summary. The Three Laws of Robotics were created by Isaac Asimov, the famous sci-fi author. He states that the rules must be followed in order for robots to work fluidly and well, and not in anyway hinder humankind's chances of survival. It is known and mostly followed by everyone in robotic engineering. The rules go as follows:
    1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
    2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
    3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Now, it does not take long to tell that these rules are impossible. Perhaps the robots, if designed in this way, could carry out these orders – however the fault does not come by the robots themselves but the creators.

One of the main driving emotions in the human (or general animal) psyche is anger and hatred. Anger and hatred are what create wars, which by general rules can not be stopped. Already, robotics has infiltrated the military and war field. Both computer and robot AI is being created for the sole purpose of helping to fight wars. And while the second and third laws may still be workable, the first and main rule will likely never be followed.

But perhaps Isaac Asimov knew this. Perhaps he knew that the future of an Earth where machines – either stable or unstable – fight wars is not only a possibility but a likelyhood. Perhaps he made these rules in hopes that humankind may come to its senses, and revert an action that could be the destruction of us all.

Yet now all we can do is wait.


Twitter: @CodexofAegis

Thursday, February 27, 2014


I've been feeling fairly strange recently. It's as if I am living in the past, transported into a world that I once knew only to occasionally be put back into a reality I seem to have forgotten and feel misplaced. The strangest thing about this though is that I feel like this past reality is not the one I used to know, not the one I lived, but someone elses. I go into these episodes and I fade out of them again, feeling drowsy and confused, only to eventually fall asleep and wake up finding myself wondering if it was all just a dream.

There's something weird about dreams. Normally you remember only bits and pieces, like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces, and you wake up knowing you were just in a dream. But sometimes that puzzle is full and intact, and you wake up wondering if it was a dream or if it really happened. Sometimes you remember something happening to you, but you can't remember if it was a dream or if it actually happened. Sometimes you're so terrified of your dream being a reality that you are relieved when it's not, or horrified when it is.

Sometimes I wonder how much of my life was made up and how much was real.


Twitter: @CodexofAegis

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Prisoner of Steubenville Penitentiary

Steubenville Penitentiary was about as average as a prison could possibly get. It had murderers, rapists, and robbers from all across the county. The routine was the same every day. Prison fights were seldom – probably the only difference between Steubenville and most prisons, but much that happened within its walls simply stood unheard or unseen by most of the faculty there. It was here evil stayed, and it was here evil died.

So then was the day where the masked man came. At least, that's what all the former prisoners call it. It started off as a normal day, that same average, dull routine. It was at around lunch when the first prisoners out in the yard saw the bus coming forward. At first, they expected what was normal – the bus contained some “fresh meat” and then left. However, today was not a normal day.

Out of the car only came 5 people, four being guards. Some prisoners recognized these guards from maximum security: full bulletproof armor, and riot shield helmets. The guards held carbines, something that most guards were not even able to touch, and all circled a single man.

Despite the bag over his head and his chained arms, the man looked normal. He was white, taller than most, but with an average build. It was obvious though that this prisoner in particular was special. No one who went to the prison was ever escorted and seen in a manner like that, and it caused widespread confusion throughout.

A few of the veteran prisoners in one group decided to spy on the masked man to see exactly why he was there and why him being there was so important. He was hard to get to – guards surrounded him day by day as he was mostly kept into solitary confinement. However things eventually came loose, and one prisoner started a rumor caused by an apparent “man on the outside”.

According to this man, a recent tragic event happened at the nearby hospital. An older woman, no more than 70 but not younger than 50, walked in saying she was having a hard time breathing. The nurses immediately rushed her to the E.R, setting up a room and doing some tests to see what was causing her problem. The peculiar thing was that the specific symptoms and tests she had did not exactly match anything on record. Though it appeared odd, the doctors threw it off and decided it was just because of her age. Another slightly strange thing about the woman is that she had no relatives – and when given the question if she had a son or daughter or someone to care for her, she seemed to give an quizzical odd look as if she had never heard of the words before, shortly after saying “No, I don't have any of those.”. Despite these two factors she appeared to be fine and perhaps out of the hospital by the next morning, that is until midnight.
In each of the rooms connected to the beds there is a buzzer. That buzzer sends a signal to a room which then a nurse is sent for assistance. By twelve o-clock at dark, the manager of the signals was already half asleep, but woken by the sound of a constant beeping. The manager checked the signal and noted it as the old woman's room, to which he sent a dispatch.

By the time the nurse got there, the woman appeared to be completely in shock and fright. When asked what was wrong, she repeated “There's a man watching me, there's a man right there.” pointing to the hallway and repeating those words: “There's a man watching me, there's a man right there.”

The nurse quickly spun around, only to find the hallway both empty and silent. Realizing the woman must have been having delusions, the nurse tried to calm her, and when that failed, she put her asleep using a simple injection and left.

No one exactly knows what happened between that time at 12 and the next morning when the police arrived. No one except the authorities, and a vague idea from the signal manager.

The old woman was found dead the following morning. Cause of death, unknown. Police were called after the nurse told the story, while sobbing and continually apologizing about dismissing her story as false, despite little proof that the death of the woman was murder. After the nurse had left the room that night, she had told the signal manager of the woman's delusions and to ignore any of the buzzes. More buzzes did come from the room around 4 AM, but the peculiar part about that is that the autopsy confirmed she had died about 2 hours before.

The nurse was the only one questioned as a suspect, but was released due to lack of evidence. That was two days after the death of that woman.

The day the truck pulled in and revealed the new prisoner of Steubenville Penitentiary was the morning of her death.

So, how do these two stories connect? Really, they don't. They shouldn't. Yet the prisoners of the penitentiary could not help but wrap their minds around this coincidence. To this day no one truly knows why the masked man came, perhaps not even the police or the guards who watched him night and day. But still, on this very day, the masked man remains at that prison.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Some things are not to be repeated.

I work at a biotech research facility, and a common phrase around the office is “Some things are not to be repeated.” When I first heard it I just threw it off as some practical in-joke that was passed around, much less something of actual importance. It was later on in my career at the biotech lab though that I began to think that the phrase might actually have a meaning.

It started with just a thought in bed. I was reading a book and at some point something was mentioned that reminded me of the office and of the quote. The book was more towards the mystery genre, so I was in an incredibly skeptical state of mind. Almost instantly I through it off however as I was almost certain by this point that the whole point of it was just a joke. In most cases, “Some things are not to be repeated” just sounds like a phrase thrown around by a rather clever employee after a fellow colleague manages to get the printer stuck by accidentally spilling his coffee. After that point though I couldn't help but have a nagging feeling that the phrase went much more than what was assumed of it.

It was about three days later that I finally gave into the feeling. After finishing a late night at the lab I drove home and right as I got there turned on my PC and started searching. For what in particular, at the time I had no clue. I doubted I would find anything by searching the actual phrase, so I decided to instead search something else entirely – “biotech lab accident”.

After about 10 pages of Google, something popped out in my mind. There, on an old newspaper archive website, was the name of the lab I worked at. There, on that website, I found this article.

March 25th, 1989

This morning fire alarms could be heard far and wide in the town of Calico as the fire department rushed to the scene at what looks like a major accident at the Calico Biotech Lab Facility. The fire started in the East Wing, where a pair of scientists, Dr. Dimitri Kosotov and Dr. Matthew Arkinson were creating a new flu vaccine combining pigs blood with human tissue. The project had received much controversy, in which fellow colleagues criticized the project as “ridiculous” and commenting that Kosotov and Arkinson were “crazy” to try such an experiment. Despite these comments from peers the two continued to work almost constantly on the project, to the point of even taking samples home to test when they were kicked out of the building by night security. Near the days before the fire, Kosotov and Arkinson's fellow scientists described them as “stranger than usual”, not talking to anyone but themselves in what eyewitnesses called a “strange language or dialect”. The last of the two that were ever heard was Kosotov, who was seen carrying a large bag to the wing minutes before the fire, apparently murmuring under his breath “I have seen the light”. Despite this, Arkinson was not heard or seen in the building at the time of the fire, and according to the front desk had not signed in.

So far there has been 3 confirmed deaths and 10 missing, including Doctors Kosotov and Arkinson.”

Some things are not to be repeated.


Twitter: @CodexofAegis

Monday, February 24, 2014

Fu Chen and the Journey to Macau - Part 1

Part 2 Part 3

Even at the break of the night, the stars glistened like pearls and shined off the river bed like crystals that were at the bottom instead of out in the dark unknown. Chen found himself in a common state of mind when he was with these stars. He wondered where they came from and what they did, why they were always there and why he always loved them. But today they would be more than just a sight, they would be his guide and protector.

Fu Chen was small for his age of ten. His hair was scruffy, his feet dirty, but his heart was of nothing but gold. He craved adventure, and on this day adventure had finally found him. He and his tiny straw and bamboo raft would go down the river and eventually reach his destination.

He did not know where he was going, or where he wanted to go, or if there was even a particular spot he wanted to settle on. The Chens had always been a seemingly nomadic people, going from place to place like the wind. It was time for him to finally set off, to start his adventure.

There was trepidation at first, there always is. Nervousness, fear, and excitement filled his mind. He kicked the raft off into the river and jumped in. His path to fate had finally started.

As the jungle he had came from faded from view, he looked back up to the skies. There was the stars, still watching without eyes, as a silent protector.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Darkness

Its arms wrapped around me like a cold cloak. It shielded my eyes, for I could not see anything but him. The Darkness grinned at me, I knew, and I grinned too. It was with it that I was home. A place where no light could invade, a place no sun could interpret. All light except one, one artificial light that showed me who I was with. These two were my friends, my family, and that they remained. Nothing filled my mind with such peace and serenity as these two.

Oh Darkness! Blinding Darkness! Its grin grew wider and I matched mine with it. The single light shown brightly and gave warmth, but my father, the darkness, gave everything I needed.

Oh Darkness! Piercing Darkness! A shadow along all walls, this was my home. This was my family.

But the light came. It was slow at first, but gradually it filled the room. The Darkness grin shrunk and the mother faded, leaving me bathed in a word of renewed uncertainty. The disfigured patron of that world started at me from the corner of the room as I held tightly to the sides, hoping for escape.

“Larry, I thought I told you to get off the fucking computer!”

I recognized the voice. It's horrible, cruel, hoarse voice. It was my mother, not by right but by birth. I shielded my gaze from her like she was of the Gorgon, using my brand-new stripped fedora and copy of Hyperdimension Neptunia as cover.

“I said, I'd be out soon dammit!” I knew the only way to go against a monster was with its own tactics.

“If you don't get off that computer soon, I'll call the police, and you remember the last time I called the police-”

“Just shut up already!”

My actions finally soothed the beast. The gargantuan creature invading my home finally sighed in defeat and left once more, leaving me again in the peace of my darkness. 


Twitter: @CodexofAegis