Thursday, February 27, 2014


I've been feeling fairly strange recently. It's as if I am living in the past, transported into a world that I once knew only to occasionally be put back into a reality I seem to have forgotten and feel misplaced. The strangest thing about this though is that I feel like this past reality is not the one I used to know, not the one I lived, but someone elses. I go into these episodes and I fade out of them again, feeling drowsy and confused, only to eventually fall asleep and wake up finding myself wondering if it was all just a dream.

There's something weird about dreams. Normally you remember only bits and pieces, like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces, and you wake up knowing you were just in a dream. But sometimes that puzzle is full and intact, and you wake up wondering if it was a dream or if it really happened. Sometimes you remember something happening to you, but you can't remember if it was a dream or if it actually happened. Sometimes you're so terrified of your dream being a reality that you are relieved when it's not, or horrified when it is.

Sometimes I wonder how much of my life was made up and how much was real.


Twitter: @CodexofAegis

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