Sunday, April 27, 2014


Laurence was a young billionaire with old problems. He stared into the depths of his fireplace, continually cracking and blowing with every draft of wind that came into the house. It rained outside, and the sky covered in clouds. The ambiance and atmosphere of a warm comforting place matched with a cloudy exterior would calm some, but not Laurence. His associate stood facing away from Laurence's red leather chair, staring into the shadow.

“So, you authorized it?”


“You fucking authorized it?”


“Are you out of your god damn mind?” His associate snapped back so loudly it nearly interrupted Laurence's tranced state of mind. “You have backed yourself in a legal hole so fucking big you'd be lucky if you got a death sentence.”

Laurence was unfazed, pouring himself another shot of whiskey like a gear in the machine. “That, of course, is if law enforcement ever finds out.”

“Except our employees aren't exactly our friends.” The associate paced back and forth, seemingly stressed by the situation. “Now that they're out of the contract, they can rat us out anytime. All law enforcement needs to do is sweeten the deal.”

“So? We renew the contract.”

The associate glared into the face of Laurence, who Laurence tried to avoid. “Renew the fucking contract? What are you going to do, give them another job? I can't even believe the first damn job. A high school? You bombed a fucking high school? What was your 'statement of reason' behind that again?”

Laurence took another sip of whiskey, taking his time with the shot. He seemed more focused on the flame than the conversation. “I did it because I wanted to.”

“You did it because you fucking wanted to! Isn't that perfect! Inciting chaos everywhere, you're just like a super-villain. Fan-fucking-tastic. Except for one thing, hotshot – this is the real world. There aren't any super-villains here, you understand me?”

Laurence did not respond.

“Listen, if media gets attention that you're holding an entire body of trained assassins at your disposal at all times, people are going to get suspicious.”

Finally, Laurence stood up, redirecting his focus from the fire to full concentration on his associate. “That's why the renewal isn't going on my name, it will be on yours.”

The associate stared in straight in the face, shocked. “No, no, no, no-” went on his refusal, “There's no fucking way you can get me to agree on that. You see, I don't exactly condone your actions.”

Laurence's tall stature casted a shadow over the associate's body. His eyes stared into the others. “Listen, Henry. I got lucky. I made a business, I made good investments. Now I'm a billionaire. I'm a billionaire who's young, alone, and bored out of his mind. This wasn't my decision, this was the decision of the people who put me here.”

Henry the associate began to talk, but his words driveled from his mouth. He hesitated, then finally decided what he was going to say. “Jesus, look at you. You just want to make a statement. A big bang out before you die lonely with billions at your disposal. You want to generate chaos, that's all you care about. 'Oh, what's on our agenda today, Mr. Laurence? Shoot a few elementary school students? How about kidnap some female celebrity?' You might as well find out some way to murder the entire fucking senate!”

The associate was clearly angered, but the calm of Laurence's face continued unsubsided. Finally, Henry was subdued.

“You know what? Fine! I'll sign my name right on your killing spree! In fact, I'll sign it with god damn, fucking INK!”

The associate began to storm out, but before he did he stopped and turned to utter one more word of caution.

“Also, if I get caught, I'll be the one telling law enforcement. And I'll give it everything in my power to make sure you get what you deserve.” With the furious shutting of the door, a loud bang symbolized the exit of Henry, to which Laurence looked down, grinning to himself, and whispered.

I know you will.”


Twitter: @CodexofAegis

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